← Return to PICS.. Six E.R.s in one year.


PICS.. Six E.R.s in one year.

Intensive Care (ICU) | Last Active: Mar 14, 2019 | Replies (7)

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Remember, one night, Black cloud of Pain.... Ended up in ICU. Apparent OD. No memory of this. Ended up in a Health care unit in another city. Two weeks of rest. Sent home with my meds changed...Resting now and trying to not sweat the small stuff. Saw my cardioligist, Med. provider, appointment with pain specialist in 3 weeks, and maybe a psycholigist... "No great concerns there"...Kids great with care of wife. She's 87.... Resting now...Back to square one... Trying to cope..At my age 86 and with the system the way it is...I feel alone and waiting...I keep hearing that "Every thing will be fine" as I keep being told...Follow up nurse is scheuled. THANKS...One day at a time...

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Replies to "Remember, one night, Black cloud of Pain.... Ended up in ICU. Apparent OD. No memory of..."

Hello @rubbob1 - just checking in to see how you are doing today?

Hi @rubbob1, how did your appointment go with the follow-up nurse? Have you seen the pain specialist yet?