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Will I have a heart attack or stroke?

Heart & Blood Health | Last Active: Nov 8, 2018 | Replies (23)

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Did you have a heart attack before your triple bypass? If not, how did they know you needed surgery? Did you eliminate fat & sugar? Right now I have a 20, 30, and 60 blockage. Thank you so much for your response. I'm glad you are doing well.

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Replies to "Did you have a heart attack before your triple bypass? If not, how did they know..."

@jackiekos No my symptoms where excessive sweating ,short of breath on exertion pain in chest I was on nitroglycerin patch before surgery My arteries where clogged so its hereditary from my Dad But as I said just try not to worry listen to your body and cardiologist.No I didn't have a heart attack but if I didn't listen to my body I would've.

@jackiekos Yes I dont do red meat occasionally after 10 yrs I eat a hamburger @try not to do sugar but this ones hard lol