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No support at home!

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Sep 26, 2018 | Replies (56)

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Hello @chocolate5lover I think a lot about this. I'm a cancer "survivor" on a Facebook group with others like me and people will often complain that their family doesn't "get it". Every case is different but I think in my case and others the family expects you to move on after the initial treatment but you can't move on and suddenly realise how lonely it is to have a chronic or life-threatening illness. The only people who really understand are those who have been through the same thing. I hope this makes sense. I have felt abandoned by my family before - not at this point no - but I know how you must feel.

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Replies to "Hello @chocolate5lover I think a lot about this. I'm a cancer "survivor" on a Facebook group..."

Wow! People like you are my hero's!!!!!! My wife is a medical professional, but she is always at work, and doesn't have the time to help me. You have lifted me up today--thank you!!!!!