Another diagnosis change: autoimmune dementia

Posted by Lisa @techi, Aug 1, 2018

I always like to look at my medical diagnoses periodically to keep up with the reports ,test and so on. I worked at hospitals and l know about mistakes on charts so l like to keep up. And also when you go to your doctor or a new doctors kind of a habit of mine since God has blessed with my memory back, so last night l was looking on my health record online because they started putting info about new test nd what diagnoses patients had be diagnosed in the past and still today. Now after l had a 4hr memory test and a PET and it was told it was normal which l knew it was because l prayed and ask God to give me my memory back. And yes l had memory issues for about 19yrs. Doctors can't explain how that can happen but l can. I asked God to heal me and l was taken off a serval medication and 2 were recalled
Matter a fact l got 2cletter from 2 different pharmacies that l had the medics filled and both sent e a recall notice. And in 2014 when l was very sick in the hospital and was unconscious l went in only allergic to one from along time ago and then a 2nd med l shouldn't have had because they didn't know to much about my disease especially in the state l live in. And l thank God for family because they wanted to keep me on it. My husband told them to take me off. Now l am allergic to so many meds the doctors hate to put me on any meds and some doctors don't keep up with recalls. Now my diagnosis is autoimmune dementia. I had no dementia and now its changed. And l am fine, l finished my first book and getting ready for my second. And everyone l ser going through TBI l always try to motivate them. All things are possible if you just trust God and be your own advocate. I am now to help my 2 grandson with autism and my niece especially her mom because it is scary when you lose your memory. And my grandson who couldn't do math. My son said mom he just got to trophies and yesterday we went to the zoo and l asked if he knew how to take pictures on a cellphone. He said no MeMaw after we left the zoo he had so many pictures he took l was so glad that the battery didn't need to be charged while he was taking them. Just a little word of encouragement.

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So Happy to hear the positive news. Gives me hope. When I was 33 I was finally pregnant with my second baby but the doctors said everything was wrong and I would loose this pregnancy as well. So I dropped to my knees and prayed that God help me to accept "his will"..not that I carry the baby but that it be his will. It was all I could do and so day after day went by and 7 wks early I delivered my daughter who is now 24. Now this is not to say I didn't see my doctor or beg for the meds to carry her but that if it was his will he'd make my brilliant doctors just a little more intelligent and open mindied and things would work out the way he planned. I can't imagine life without her I guess I will take away from you sharing that I need to be praying more now as well..I guess it is difficult for me to ask for help for I am saving a really good coupon. Thank you and congrats.

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