Cortisone injection in hip. Still in pain.
I am in my 3rd year of hip pain. I was a healthy painfree man, when I went out for a snowshoe a few winters back. I came back 1 hour later with pain in y hip, that has never left. 4 different x-rays showed very good hip structure at that point. I was told the pain was refered from my back. Back manipulations did not help. I was then told it was due to tight muscles and tendons. Physical therapy did not help. About 1- 1.5 years later, I asked to have another x-ray taken of the hip. It showed a large amount of deterioration, and a hip replacement was recommended. I don't want to go that route. Also, I can't figure out how I could have severe pain at the outset, when the x-rays showed a perfect hip. The pain didn't change any as the hip apparently got worse.
So now it is Cortisone. After 3 days, I am in about the same pain I was in before the injection. Immediately after the injection, I was pain free. This lasted a few hours, and now thew pain is back. Is this normal? I am also interested in pursuing RFA for the hip. Any ideas?
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I wonder if you can get the procedure codes and related material and submit it yourself.
yes you can get reimbursed.
Might not truly be hip! I have bad back which is felt in hips ( other things contribute too). As for shots -and I have had many- the numbing shot stays good and relieves pain. The shot itself doesn’t always work .. and can work a few days or three months or better. It’s used diagonally and then benefit from pain relievers IF that works ( right place). Hope that helps and good luck! ( can only have about 3 a year too). Best!