Central Sensitization - please share your stories

Posted by Rachel, Volunteer Mentor @rwinney, Apr 14, 2020

Hello everyone
I would like to better understand this diagnosis from personal experiences and compare what I feel to others accounts. I have not been diagnosed with central sensitization however, it seems to line up. Thank you very much and I look forward to reading your stories.

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Thank you, Rachel. I'll post updates as they happen.


I have already shared what I have on it with you, but as well as taking Tramadol for my arthritis, I'm seeing a chiropractor. It's amazing how much the pain has "relaxed." My chiro is using the NASA method of chiropratic. I still can't stand without arms on chairs or assist bars in restrooms, but that's even getting easier. I'm trying to be a patient patient.


@cldmeyers That sounds promising for you! Great news!! Thanks for sharing.


I understand that this can be caused by a traumatic physical event. In December last year, I had a really hard fall on concrete. I've had several places that are painful, and I'm still working on them. For my "trigger thumb" my sports med dr prescribed a lotion 4 x daily. I just started yesterday. Chiropracty is really helping relax my body and is definitely diminishing some of the pain.


I see. It makes sense that one's central nervous system can go into overdrive after so many physical ailments strike.

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Mine came on after a severe fall on concrete. It affected my left heel, the soles of my feet, both knees, and caused a trigger thumb. Takes well into 11 a.m. for everything to decide to get along. I'm walking gently every other day and have pt exercises given to me before we were shut down in quarantine. Once the quarantine is over, I'll get back to the Nustep machine. It really helps. In the meantime I'm using chiropractic.


@lorirenee1 My PT will only allow 1 patient in office at a time after which he sanitizes before the next. He and I both wore masks. He is a wonderful therapist...kind and caring...he goes the extra mile with his care and concern. That is what separates good Drs from poor Drs. He and I discussed adding occupational / physical therapy to my myofacial whilr I continue to wait to get to Mayo. I had a successful visit and really needed it after a month away. Blessed. Be well today. 🌈

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Hi Rachel & Renee-
Thank you for your posts. I’ve been searching for answers for over a year. I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am having a hard time accepting that. I want my old life back. I want to heal and do so quickly. Instead things are only getting worse. I fear I haven’t hit rock bottom yet. Reading your posts helps me feel less alone.
Can I ask, Rachel, what does your physical therapist do specifically? Is it exercises?


Hi Rachel & Renee-
Thank you for your posts. I’ve been searching for answers for over a year. I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am having a hard time accepting that. I want my old life back. I want to heal and do so quickly. Instead things are only getting worse. I fear I haven’t hit rock bottom yet. Reading your posts helps me feel less alone.
Can I ask, Rachel, what does your physical therapist do specifically? Is it exercises?

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@dk21 I'm happy to hear from you. I'm sorry for your diagnosis and your life changes. It's very difficult to handle. I feel exactly the same as you. Unacceptance means one of two things...either we will go against the grain by not accepting and most likely make our pain worse, or unacceptance will motivate us to look for answers, rehab, supplements and work very hard.I am a very impatient person and have been having a hard time realizing this is what I have and who I am now. I've been working hard on being in the moment and finding a positive outlook as I know that can reap benefits. My physical therapist performs myofacial release on my full body. I'm on Medicare so can only go once a week in order to stretch coverage through the year but, its not enough because he can only work on one area each week. It has been helpful and I recommend it. I will be going to Mayo Rehab in Oct and hope to learn how best to physically work my body given my conditions. Then I hope to have a plan for my PT to follow which will include occupational and physical therapy.


Hi Rachel & Renee-
Thank you for your posts. I’ve been searching for answers for over a year. I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am having a hard time accepting that. I want my old life back. I want to heal and do so quickly. Instead things are only getting worse. I fear I haven’t hit rock bottom yet. Reading your posts helps me feel less alone.
Can I ask, Rachel, what does your physical therapist do specifically? Is it exercises?

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@dk21 You might want to get Dr. Greg Fors book “why we hurt and how we heal”. He talks about fibromyalgia and also trigger point therapy. He also discussed the tie in with gut health and fibromyalgia. I highly recommend this book.


Hi Rachel & Renee-
Thank you for your posts. I’ve been searching for answers for over a year. I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am having a hard time accepting that. I want my old life back. I want to heal and do so quickly. Instead things are only getting worse. I fear I haven’t hit rock bottom yet. Reading your posts helps me feel less alone.
Can I ask, Rachel, what does your physical therapist do specifically? Is it exercises?

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I'm not sure how old you or others are in this discussion but, one things for sure with me in "wanting my old life back", is the fact that I've been disabled since age 46, am now 50 and I desperately want to be able to be an involved, active grandparent!! That matters most to me. My son's wedding should have been TODAY but will be next year because of Covid. I want grandbabies and it really makes me mad and breaks my heart that my malfunctions create me to be a whole new person and live an entirely different life that is extremely limited. Ughh...sorry, had to get that pity party out.



I'm not sure how old you or others are in this discussion but, one things for sure with me in "wanting my old life back", is the fact that I've been disabled since age 46, am now 50 and I desperately want to be able to be an involved, active grandparent!! That matters most to me. My son's wedding should have been TODAY but will be next year because of Covid. I want grandbabies and it really makes me mad and breaks my heart that my malfunctions create me to be a whole new person and live an entirely different life that is extremely limited. Ughh...sorry, had to get that pity party out.


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Wow @rwinney. Your pity party is more specific now. And you have a mission, to have and enjoy your grandchildren. I salute you and choose to participate in your mission.

It just so happens that our adopted granddaughter and her friend are here for the weekend. I was a bit nervous because of course, I want everything to be perfect. Unbelievable how joyful this experience is becoming. You just have to trust your body to at least be supportive and keep the pain down.

Como Siempre Rachel. I support your efforts. Please consider changing extremely limited to somewhat limited. There, that’s better. I am going to find a picture. Stay right there.

I'm back....these are my two adoptees for the weekend. They are the perfect grandchildren.....love the pets and then the people.

I know I will pay the price for this adventure.....I am actually in the kitchen and cooking.
So....Monday and Tuesday will be payback days.

Be content and at ease.

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